Swiss Alarm and operational centre
Certas AG is a company of Securitas AG and Siemens (Switzerland) Building Technologies AG. Certas is a country-wide leader in the reception and processing of messages and signals from alarm systems and technical monitoring systems.
The three central Certas sites are built redundantly and connected by direct line with police, fire brigade and various intervention service providers. Every day, Certas runs about 5 ‘ 800 telephone calls and receives around twelve million alerts every year.
The Certas alarm control panels are up to date with the latest technology. Certas places the highest demands on the availability of its own alarm networks. 24 Hours for you – at 365 days a year.
Focuscontrol & Certas –
Certainly an unbeatable strong Team!
All alarm systems of the Focuscontrol are certified and have at least a certificate of safety classes 2-or 3 and are therefore ideally suited for transmitting alarm messages to a reception centre.
We work closely with those responsible at Certas, because when it comes to professional alarm processing, Certas is the number one in the Swiss market, both technical and technical.
A registration, or the activation of your alarm system for Certas, is done directly by our trained technicians. The consultation, in order to optimally match your wishes and needs, is then taken over by trained representatives of Certas and Securitas.
Security needs a clear concept
… therefore, in the run-up to each activation of Certas instructions are created, which together produce an alarm. The alarm Control Panel regulates all actions in the alarm control centre, which are later used to process the case. The alarm will be elaborated together with the customer in detail. Measures are set for each individual alarm criterion, for example for burglary, robbery, fire, technical defects, etc. This includes contact persons of the customer who are to be contacted in case of an event. Passwords and identification procedures determine how each person in this security chain legitimises each other. Descriptions of the protection object, location plans, floorplans, safety devices and danger points may also be included in the alarm plan.
Security can often be improved with simple regulations. However, in order to achieve a viable solution, a holistic safety concept is recommended.
Contact us-we will be happy to advise you!
Alarm Systems Consulting
Free and discreet we create appropriate alarm System Offers and assist the professional Installation and Service.
With us You get full control with complete overview and Security the proper Technique.
The Expert for Alarms Systems in Basel – Switzerland.
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